Yard Fertilization

To help our customer’s yards grow green and healthy, Millennium depends on high-quality fertilizer and regular, timely feedings. Our lawn fertilizer services help to deliver essential nutrients to help defend your property against environmental stresses, weeds and pests.


Millennium can help maintain the health of your property by offering a variety of fertilization services. 

Premium commercial property maintenance

At Millennium Outdoor Services, LLC we recognize the great honor it is to provide you with a beautiful, well maintained property. Your business is your lively-hood and curbside appeal is crucial to maintaining the level of professionalism necessary to WOW your customers! We cater to your needs with the expertise and superior customer service that your business deserves. 

Let's get started

Maintaining a beautiful property doesn’t have to be difficult, let Millennium put in the work! We cater to your needs with the expertise and superior customer service that your business deserves.

What they're saying!

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John Smith
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Amy Hall
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Billy Bob Joe

"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men"

Colossians 3:23