A sodded lawn is a finished lawn with immediate curbside appeal! Sod installation should be a consideration for anyone needing a new lawn renovation/restoration.

should you consider sod?

Yes, Definitely! We would love to stop by for a FREE consultation to discuss how your property could benefit from renovation and restoration!

a business you can trust. home grown.

 Millennium Outdoor Services, LLC is a locally owned company and  you can be confident we are the right choice for your property landscaping and maintenance needs. Since our beginning in 2012 we have been committed to helpful, professional service from beginning to end, time and time again. It’s not just business, it’s personal.

Let's get started

Maintaining a beautiful property doesn’t have to be difficult, let Millennium put in the work! We cater to your needs with the expertise and superior customer service that your business deserves.

What they're saying!

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John Smith
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Amy Hall
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Billy Bob Joe

"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men"

Colossians 3:23